Additionally, you can’t schedule a message to auto-send in the future. At present, Google does not allow you to modify the date and time stamp of a Gmail message to display a past date and time.The TIMESTAMP data type is really long but in the DB mostly the timestamp is stored as a combination of date and time. HANA SQL - Converting Date to TimeStamp The TO_TIMESTAMP() functions helps to convert the date and time to the timestamp format.In the upper-right corner, select the Google menu (dot grid icon) and choose Calendar (you may need to select More at. Adjust Your Gmail Time Zone The time zone settings for Gmail are accessed through Google Calendar, which you can open through Gmail.In other words, if you set the Send Cancellation Period Step 5: Scroll down to the bottom and click the Save Changes button. Gmail's Undo Send feature only delays the email - it doesn't actually recall accidental messages sent to others.